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Howdy! I have created this site to condense some awesome Bible Research material that is available on the web. Why? If you are a Christian, I would like to make some inductive Bible study material available to you so that you can grow deeper personally in your relationship with Christ by learning how to interpret Scripture for yourself through inductive Bible study. I have also included some background material on Christianity which includes science, history, and archaeology sites to show that faith in Christ is not a blind faith. If you are not a Christian then I would like for that to change. My desire is that you come to the Truth of who you are and your need for Christ.

Why study the Bible?

First of all, the Bible is the supernatural, totally awesome, wonderfully spectacular God of all creation's written revelation to mankind. In it we learn of His superior wisdom, His powerful acts, His unbridled compasion for His name and His glory, His reason for creating us and His undying love for us that drove nails through His hands and conquered death for all eternity. This very God desires to carry you and have you depend on His strength and perfection for the rest of your life. He wants to glorify His name through you and reward you for the work He does. There is just one tiny problem. We cannot have this relationship with Him because we have sinned. We have all made mistakes no matter how tiny or harmless they seem to be...maybe by not coming home on time or by not cleaning our room when asked. We have told little white lies to keep from hurting a friends feelings. Others envy, steal, kill, rape, and murder. All mankind has one thing in common, and that's that we are all guilty of sin, no matter how big or small that sin seems to be. These imperfections, when placed against the backdrop of the perfect purity of the Holy God of the universe, demands a seperation. In fact, God has told us that there is one consequence for man's sin. That consequence is death and eternal seperation from Him.

What can man, in his imperfection, have to do with a perfect God?

The good news is that God desires to reveal His glory to all of the nations through you by the power of the gospel and with a unique and personal relationship with you. He doesn't want you to be seperated from Him. In fact, He wants this relationship with you so much that He sacrificed all of His riches in heaven to become a servant, live a sinless life, and die the terrible death of the cross to pay for mankinds sin, to pay for your sin. He paid the death penalty we deserve. This leads each person to the greatest decision that will ever have to make. Will you entrust the death and resurrection of Christ alone for your sins? This decision to trust Christ glorifies God and erases all of your sins: past, present, and future (no matter how dirty they appear in our eyes). Your decision to accept Christ will result in eternity in heaven and pleasures forever. The decision to reject the free gift will result in eternal seperation from the God who created us. Entrusting Christ is as easy as saying "Thank You, Jesus" for the work that He's done for you.

Secondly, if you are always being told the meaning of Scripture and never being taught how to interpret Scripture or to study Scripture on your own then you may be in a Cult. Watch Out!!!

Click Me!!!

Click the Lion!!!

Click here for online resources!

You can get to the online research material by clicking on the lion at the top of this page. (Just don't let him bite your clicking finger)

If you have any questions feel free to click on the Contact Me link at the top to email me.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly!
Col. 3:16

for His Glory,

P.S. I have nothing to do with the advertisements at the top of this page. They come with the free site and I apologize if they are contradictory to the message of this page. Feel free to ignore them.